Monday, October 22, 2012

How to change the bankruptcy becomes luck

Everyone wants success, who wrote, rich, poor, men, women all want success. But the reality is not everyone can achieve success. Something he is done, and there are difficult to meet expectations. That's the reality.

Why did it happen, has actually become God's will that all men will be tested with a variety of exams, fear, hunger, lack of food, lack of wealth, life-threatening, lack of fruit and so on. Because God has promised, it will happen, but every man will definitely get part of the exam.
Some are getting the test more severe, mild or moderate, there is no man who does not get the test. All get the exam. The rich got a test, the poor also get an exam, also got a test officials, common people also got a test.

The important thing our noticed was our attitude when our face the exam. If our steps are right in the exam, then we will pass with good grades. We'll get a good compensation from the Lord. If we behave in the wrong way, then we got poor, and we will get compensated bad return of the Lord.

Now the bankruptcy, it is one of the kinds of tests. Exams are coming not caused by an accident but it was something that was planned by God to us due to our error or by other reasons we do not yet understand but certainly there is wisdom of God that will bring benefits from the other side for our.

How right attitude when faced with adversity like this test?

Please be assured that the test came it was sent by God for our good. God gave us the exam is to improve our quality and improving our. If we behave properly, then our quality will be improved, if we blaming God we will be lost. If we face the test correctly, we'll be lucky, if we be not true, then it would lose twice. The first loss, because it does not pass the exam, the second statement, our blaming God.

So what's the right attitude?

Think positively when faced with temptation.

That the exam was sent by God intended for our good, that we get a lot more goodness or that we learn from our mistakes so that we would be better

Please be assured that we are able to deal with it.

God gives us the test, not just any exam, but God knows how much of our ability and strength. He will test us with something that we can deal with it. Therefore do not worry that our must be able to face this test, and will be successful. With the permission of Allah.

Think a vast, it could be something we hate, actually, good for us.
Sometimes we do not know what the secret behind what happened to we. It could be that we hate turns to bring benefits to us with something we did not estimated. We do not know the secret behind this exam but God really knows that. So, better we think that this incident is good for us even though we do not yet know where the good.

Temptations that come does not mean that God hates our

Thus this is a sign of the love of God in our, with God's test will give a better service to our, and will improve our quality, or God wanted to make us aware of the mistake we did. So rest assured, all will be good for us.

Calm down, ease will come after hardship comes.

This is the promise of God, therefore, do good and do the right thing, hopefully ease, come up to you with immediate effect.
If our mind is quiet, we will more easily find a way around the problem. If our mind is messed up, it could be, we will take the wrong decision.

Please be patient

Since the arrival of the exam objectives, so that we feel, then you should just be felt and enjoyed with pleasure and not complain. God's help will come soon. If we are patient and resigned, will quickly run time, the test will end soon. But if we do not want to be patient, time will seem long, the day feels a week, a week feels a month, so we will be more miserable with it. What happens, we take it, with sincerity and patience. God will help those who are patient.

Pray continually, do not be lazy and do not get bored. Do not just spoken in tongues, even feel into the heart. God will soon grant our prayers.

Avoid praying to other than Allah.

Ask for help only to the Lord God.
Pray to the Lord God, not to pray to other than God, because only God can answer prayer. To whom do we pray? Pray to God who created the earth, the sky and the whole universe, because he is God Almighty. He is the God of the Prophets, Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, and other prophets after them. He is God. If we pray to God, He will answer our prayers and grant. If we pray to other than Him, they would not be able to grant our prayers.

Pray earnestly and solemn

Be strong in prayer. Whatever your religion, if you pray earnestly to God, you will not be disappointed. How to pray is actually up to you, ask for something that is good for you and just pray to God and do not pray to other than Him. Examples of such prayer text:

O God, The trials, have Thou send it to me, I felt heavy, I feel sick, but I'm ikhlas, I'm willingly to your exam.

Although I went bankrupt, I'm willingly to You, and I beg you help me.

Lord, only to you I'm begging for help. If Thou do not want to help me, then to whom I should ask for help. Lord, only to you I'm begging for help. I'm sure Thou will definitely help me. You are the God who loves to help.

Pray continually, do not be lazy and do not get bored. Do not just spoken in tongues, even feel into the heart. God will soon grant our prayers.

Avoid praying to other than Allah.

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